

August 21, 2017
Christie McDonald and Leslie Morris
A Conversation About the Proofs of Maurice Blanchot's
L'Entretien infini at Houghton Library
scrittori polemisti

Scrittori polemisti: Pasolini, Sciascia, Arbasino, Testori, Eco 

April 17, 2012

di Bruno Pischedda 
Bollati Boringhieri, 338 pp., € 18.50

DALILA COLUCCI- La scommessa dell'impegno

“Lo scrittore è ‘in situazione’ nella sua epoca: ogni parola ha i suoi echi. Ogni silenzio anche”: è una suggestione di natura sartriana quella che si avverte nell’accostarsi per la prima volta a Scrittori polemisti, ultimo libro di Bruno Pischedda, docente di letteratura italiana contemporanea presso l’Università di Milano. Questo importante volume evoca infatti, fin dal titolo, un’ampia riflessione sul ruolo...
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future of nostalgia

The Future of Nostalgia

May 11, 2012

by Svetlana Boym 
Basic Books, 404 pp., $22.00 

CHRISTOPHER BROWN - Riddles for Longing

“Somewhere on the frontier, the ghost of Dostoevsky meets the ghost of Mickey Mouse. Like the characters from The Possessed, they exchange wry smiles.” Thus concludes the first chapter of Svetlana Boym’s The Future of Nostalgia, uniting in a hypothetical world two seemingly disparate figures, and yet both represent nations —the United States and Russia —built on modern foundations of transcending history and memory. As a professor of...

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Italo Calvino's Architecture of Lightness: The Utopian Imagination in an Age of Urban Crisis

Italo Calvino's Architecture of Lightness: The Utopian Imagination in an Age of Urban Crisis

October 3, 2012

by Letizia Modena
Routledge, 267 pp., $146.00 ($99.75 ebook)


“If you choose to believe me, good. Now I will tell you how Octavia, the spider-web city, is made. There is a precipice between two steep mountains: the city is over the void, bound to the two crests with ropes and chains and catwalks.” It is one of Marco Polo’s accounts to the Kublai Khan, from Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. The Kublai Khan, wrote Calvino in the introduction, was viewing an empire that was “an endless, formless ruin,” in which “corruption’s...

Read more about Italo Calvino's Architecture of Lightness: The Utopian Imagination in an Age of Urban Crisis
Les abus de la mémoire

Les Abus de la mémoire

February 2, 2013
di Tzvetan Todorov
Arléa, 61 pp., € 5.00
Appassionato studio sulle delicate questioni della memoria e dell’oblio nelle società occidentali alle soglie del secondo millennio, Les Abus de la Mémoire gioca la sua partita teorica sul pericoloso crinale tra due condizioni limite dell’atto del ricordare: quella che lo vede minacciato e quella opposta della sua sacralizzazione. Entrambe sono, a ben guardare, vicendevolmente implicate, essendo il culto odierno della memoria risultato...
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