
Book Cover Bernini: His Life and His Rome

Bernini: His Life and His Rome

March 20, 2012
by Franco Mormando
University of Chicago Press, 456 pp., € 35.00


In a Gian Lorenzo Bernini stream-of-consciousness word-association game one might come up with Rome, marble fountain, St. Peter’s, baroque, post-Reformation Catholicism. Is there anything to add to that list? Perhaps adultery, politicking, rape, sodomy, narcissism, astrological prophecies? Franco Mormando, professor of Romance Languages at Boston College, argues in his new biography Bernini: His Life and His Rome, thatto define Bernini without the...
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Galileo's Muse: Renaissance Mathematics and the Arts  Book Cover

Galileo's Muse: Renaissance Mathematics and the Arts

May 5, 2012
by Mark Peterson
Harvard University Press, 338 pp., $28.95


Very often it takes the work of an outsider, with a fresh pair of eyes, to make an original contribution to any academic field—especially a field such as Italian Studies, whose tentacles reach into any imaginable branch of the humanities or sciences. Mark Peterson: a physicist, mathematician, and astronomer, is precisely that much needed outsider to the traditional dominion of italianisti. Peterson’s recent Galileo’s Muse offers a...
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storia culturale

Storia culturale della fotografia italiana. Dal Neorealismo al Postmoderno

May 13, 2012

by Antonella Russo
Einaudi, 428 pp., ill., € 35.00


Though the mere reference to the term “cultural history” is sometimes enough to push even the most tolerant of history buffs toward an apoplectic anxiety, fear not Antonella Russo’s ever so meticulously curated history of photography. For a bricolage of findings on post-World War II Italian photography or an ode to methodological eclecticism this book is most certainly not. Cultural insofar as the rich and nuanced picture of Italian photography that is achieved by Russo is...

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Tunnel REvision

Tunnel REvision: The Trento Tunnels

May 18, 2013

a cura di Jeffrey T. Schnapp e Giuseppe Ferrandi
Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino

ELOISA MORA – Le Gallerie della memoria 

“Come siamo capitati in questo tunnel, proprio non lo so... ma la invito a riflettere: ci muoviamo su rotaie, il tunnel deve dunque portare da qualche parte. Nulla dimostra che nel tunnel vi sia qualcosa di fuori posto, tranne il fatto che non finisce mai”: così Friederich Dürrenmatt dava voce all'incubo dello studente svizzero protagonista del suo racconto Il tunnel, cronaca della fatale deviazione ferroviaria del treno Berna-...

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